Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Random Salt Lake City Precip facts

So far this month we have recieved 0.81 inches of precipitation, differing from a normal value of 0.45 from June 1st to June 14th. However, last year we had recieved 1.77 inches by this date since June 1st.

Since October 1st (the beginning of the water year):

Salt Lake has had 11.60 inches of precipitation. Normal is 13.37 inches and last year we had recieved 14.45 by June 14th.

For snowfall since Oct. 1st:

Salt Lake got 36.4 inches differing from the normal value of 62.5 inches. Thats 26.1 inches less. Last year we had recieved 48.3 inches of snowfall.

*(all above statistics from the National Weather Service site at http://www.weather.gov/climate/getclimate.php?wfo=slc )

So despite flooding and lots of rain over the last little while we are below average for Salt Lake City on precipitation recieved for the water year. The little bit of extra rain so far this month is helping us to catch our average amounts.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like we had a lot of rain. It is surprising to learn that we are below normal.
